



2018 |心理学与定量基础

Mount Mercy大学
2012 |婚姻与家庭治疗

2009 |心理学

Resolute Therapy, LLC






Morgan-Sowada H. (2018) Relationships and attachment in individuals with body dysmorphic disorder: A qualitative study (Unpublished doctoral dissertation – in 2-year embargo for other publication purposes). 爱荷华大学,爱荷华州爱荷华市.

Gamboni C.古铁雷斯,D.摩根-索瓦达,H. (2018) Mental Health Organization’s Varied Stances on Sexual Orientation Change Effort (SOCE) Practices. 美国婚姻与家庭杂志
心理治疗,46(1),96-105. DOI: 10.1080/01926187.2018.1437572影响因子 .48*


Morgan-Sowada H.张伯伦,T., & Wojciak,. (2019, 8月)亲子纽带, Childhood Maltreatment and Suicide attempts in Individuals with Body 畸形恐惧症. Research presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association for Marriage and Family

Gamboni C.古铁雷斯,D. & Morgan-Sowada H. (2017, October) Mental Health Organization’s Varied Stances on Sexual Orientation Change Effort (SOCE) Practices. 展览海报
annual meeting of the American Association for Marriage and 家庭治疗 (AAMFT)

Morgan-Miller H. (2017, April) Body 畸形恐惧症: Viewing BDD Through a Family Systems Lens. Guest speaker presentation at the annual meeting of the 爱荷华州 Association for Marriage and 家庭治疗 (IAMFT) Conference, 锡达拉皮兹市, 爱荷华州.

Morgan-Miller H.贝努瓦-帕加诺,J., & Wojciak,.. (2016, September) Parent-Child Bonds, Suicide, and Body 畸形恐惧症. 展览海报 annual meeting of the American Association for Marriage and 家庭治疗 (AAMFT) Conference, 印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳州.

Morgan-Miller H. (2016, September) Treatment of Body 畸形恐惧症 with Systems Theory. 展览海报 annual meeting of the American Association for Marriage and
家庭治疗 (AAMFT) Conference, 印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳州.

Benoit J.摩根-米勒,H., & Wojciak,. (2015, June) Parent-Child Bonding and its Relationship with Suicidal Ideation in Youth with BDD. Poster Presentation at the annual meeting of the American 家庭治疗 Academy, 温哥华, 华盛顿.

Article Presentation: titled: "A Call for a Ban on Conversion Therapy.“为道德和
职业al Issues in Marriage and 家庭治疗 Course in fall 2016.

Poster Presentation: titled: "Solution Focused Brief Therapy: An Alternative Treatment for Body
畸形恐惧症? 以及对大脑结构的影响.提交研究

Guest Speaker/Presenter: titled: “MFT’s and Your 社区,"为西蒙斯的家庭法律律师准备的, Perrine, 梅奥, 伯格曼律师事务所2019年秋季.
Guest on podcast “Conversations with Interesting People” with Dr. 亚当·伍兹,2019年夏天.

Mount Mercy大学 GPCC成员.
Member of Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA), Mount Mercy大学
爱荷华州 Association of Marriage and 家庭治疗 (Member from 2010 – 2018).
Guest Speaker/Educator to Center Point Urbana Elementary School teachers and administrators,
presentation on “How to best support students with Gender Dysphoria, and their parents.”
客座讲座, 心理咨询概论, 本科, 关于性别焦虑症的演讲, Mount Mercy大学.
职业al opinion: Interview with local news channel, 关于爱荷华州心理健康差异的问题.
Elections Chair, Board Member of 爱荷华州 Association of Marriage and 家庭治疗.
Student Interviewer, spring 2016, University of 爱荷华州, Couple and 家庭治疗 Program.
Student Representative, Mount Mercy大学, Marriage and 家庭治疗 Program.


希瑟Morgan-Sowada is a licensed marriage and family therapist in the state of 爱荷华州.

过去的六年里, 她一直在治疗个体, 夫妻, and families in private practice at Cornerstone Brief Therapy, 公司.在锡达拉皮兹和珊瑚维尔. 在仁慈山和基石之前, 她在各种心理健康机构工作过, including a psychiatric medical institution for children and a community mental health agency performing in-home behavioral health counseling services. 

An alumna of Mount Mercy's marriage and family therapy master's program, Morgan-Sowada is currently earning a PhD in couple and family therapy in the Psychological and Quantitative Foundations Department at the University of 爱荷华州. She has obtained All But Dissertation (ABD) status and graduates in May 2018. Her dissertation explores the roles that relationships and attachment play in the development, 维护, and recovery for individuals diagnosed with Body 畸形恐惧症. She has been published in the American Journal of 家庭治疗.  

Morgan-Sowada has worked as the clinical coordinator of the LGBTQ Counseling Clinic at the University of 爱荷华州 and is passionate about providing services to the LGBTQ community, especially working with transgender youth and adults. She is a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and 家庭治疗 (AAMFT), served as a board member of the 爱荷华州 Association of Marriage and 家庭治疗 (elections chair), 并且是AAMFT批准的主管候选人. She was awarded the Mental Health Champion Award at the 爱荷华州 Mental Health Counselor Association’s 2017 annual conference. 

2016年春季, Morgan-Sowada founded The Body 畸形恐惧症 Clinic of 爱荷华州—located at Cornerstone Brief Therapy, 公司. The BDD Clinic's mission is, "From out of the darkness and into the light. 一次解决一个问题.“作为一个正在康复的BDD患者, Morgan-Sowada understands just how debilitating this disorder is and has devoted her career to learning more about effective treatment for BDD, 尤其是从家庭系统的角度来看. 

Morgan-Sowada practices solution-focused brief therapy and recognizes that the patient is the expert in their own life. 她与个人合作, 夫妻, and families to find unique solutions to the complex problems endured by sufferers of BDD. 她认为,关注客户的优势, 没有弱点, elicits hope and leaves room for meaningful and long lasting change. 通过治疗, sufferers can feel empowered to change their life and take control of their BDD symptoms.